1991: emmaline jimin seo is born in seattle, washington.
1997: skips the first grade.
1998: skips the second grade.
1999: Her mother gifts her a yo-yo on her birthday.
2001: Wins the gold medal at the World Yo-Yo Contest (Division 1A).
2006: Graduates high school. Enrolls at Harvard university.
2007: attends harvard majoring in chemistry and classics.
2008: drops out after a semester. returns to seattle.
2008: enrolls at boston university metropolitan college and pursues a certificate in culinary arts.
2012-14: receives her certificate degree in culinary arts. works at a number of restaurants in the boston area, holding positions ranging from line cook to sous chef.
2014: opens to a tea with [INSERT CLOSE FRIEND].
2015: authors chem on, let's cook! with [CO-AUTHOR].